Monday, July 6, 2009

Monkey Island

Monkey Island will be (re)released on the 15th of this month! I am a very excited loser right now!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Good day!

Today has been a great day. Slept in. great reading this morning. And something clicked for me today. I don't know what or how or why, but I'm really excited about what's coming. I just feel something good coming.

Working on scheduling the last two scenes for Wrong Number for mid July and then we get to enter the wonderful world of post. I really like shaping the story in the editing room, so that will be fun!

Possible Kids center project coming up that sounds like fun, and several trips to the beach this week planned. TGI...July.

Side note. We are going to start planning our next project in the next two weeks so that hopefully we can get it filmed before school starts back up. Anyone want to be a part of the writing process, let me know. Alright, I'm out.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Wrong Number Shoot Part 1

We attempted the filming of our project Wrong Number on Saturday, and as a learning experience, it was very fruitful. I learned a lot of things that will improve future shoots productivity as well as reduce stress. While things were crazy and we were unable to complete our shoot due to time constraints on both the cast and the location, it was still a lot of fun drizzled atop a big scoop of hard work. Hungry? I thought you might be. Here is round 1 of some great pictures from Saturday...

We had a great cast and crew, all of whom worked very hard on the set, which was such a blessing...

We had two of the best character actors I know bringing life and dimension to the grandma and superhero characters in our script. Here, Mathew Agosto strikes a heroic pose as Captain Heroic and Becca Fields bringing sexy back to the senior citizens as Mrs. McDougal. Even Harold got in the mix, which taught us a few lessons about working with animals. (dogs are easier than cats)

My family was kind enough to help in many ways, from mom and oma rockin' craft services and helping with wardrobe, to my niece posing for the cover of her favorite cereal, Captain Heri-O's.

Matt teaches his co-stars a little something about being a man and then runs lines with an old lady while Chris takes a well deserved break from holding the camera.

As my PA, poor Rachael was forced to try to keep up with, and interpret my crazy direction probably more than. Though, I'm sure if you ask her, she'll tell you I wasn't that bad...

Add ImageThese pictures were provided courtesy of Rita Hawa.

I will post more pictures and give full credits soon. As soon as we can arrange funds for rental of a camera and I can get a the cast together, we will finish the project and enter the magical world of post production.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Something to chew on...

...Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain,"Go, throw yourself into the sea, and it will be done." If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Fictus Productions will be filming our latest project, Wrong Number, on June 27, 2009

This is a short comedy about two brothers, and one phone number.

Here is a list of the jobs that need to be filled. We may be consolidating these b\c of lack of personnel but these will not be strenuous because our project is pretty small. If you would like to be a part of this production, please contact me @
(714) 928-2367

Feel Free to forward this email to anyone who might be interested.

The shoot will run from 8:30am - 4:00pm. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. (You will also have the priviledge to work alongside the very nearly great Brandon Thresher

Director - Brandon Thresher
Direction for the overall vision of the short, as well as guide the actors and crew

Script Superviser -
Will be taking notes and verifying continuity.

Lighting and overall look of photographic images

Camera Operator -
Operation of the camera

Costume Designer\Suprevisor-
We need help with putting together outfits\costumes and keeping continuity

Key Grip -
Will be in charge of operating the lights.

Makeup Artist and Hairstylist -
Make the actors look appropriate for filming.

Special Effect Makeup - Sara Thresher
Special needs.

Property Master -
We need help with some of the props we will need for the shoot

Still Photographer -
Will be taking publicity pictures during filming.

Sound Operator -
Verifying proper sound recording without flaws.

Boom Operator -
Hold the boom without getting in the way of the shot. Can be harder than it sounds.

Production Assistant -
The production assistant will help with misc. jobs and errands.

Cast -
We are still casting...
Hannah (a beautiful high school student who is thought to be too good for the main character)

Join the fight!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Wrong Number

So here we go again. Did some story revisions to fix some things that have been missing for our short currently named Wrong Number. Lot's going on and Robby Newman has joined our cast which will be fun!

Filming at the end of this month. I need help on the day of the shoot as well as prior to it. If anyone want's to be involved in the process or is willing to help out in general...let me know!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Future Panther?

Hey everybody-

Here's the abbreviated sitch-

I need prayer! I need God's wisdom in whether or not I should go to Chapman's Film School.
It is a desire of my heart, but at this point, it's not very practical b\c of financial limitations beyond tuition(which is itself quite expensive). This decision would profoundly effect Sara and I's lives in a whole lot of ways. I need wisdom, discernment, and confirmation. Right now, we are moving forward and trying to make it happen and praying that God would close the door if it's not His will, but would appreciate some help. If you get a chance, the next time you're talking to G-O-D, please give me a shout out!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Good Times

Lets see, what's new. umm...

Sara's back! We had an awesome weekend together, consisting of tennis, Poncy's, Ruby's, Up, Rachael's graduation, more tennis, Chapman University and Orange Circle exploration, and Impact! It was much needed time with the love of my life.

Spoiler free side note on Up...It was not only amazing in my opinion, it actually caused me to reevaluate and change the way I make films. I think it should be nominated for best picture this year(not best animated picture).

I don't much interesting to say, so I guess this will be a short post...

Oh! There is one more thing! Something really big happened yesterday that requires celebration. If you would like to celebrate with me, let me know, because I want to plan something an occasion of momentous jubilesenceness.
I thought it was cute. Don't judge me.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

What day is it today?

Happy Saraday Everyone! I'm sorry? When is Saraday you ask. Why it comes after yesterday and before tomorrow my foolish friend!

I am so excited about tonight! I pick up Sara from the airport at 9:30. It will be nice to have my wife back so she can do the laundry, clean the house and make me chicken pot pies in her natural habitat, the kitchen...cuz that's how I roll! O_o

Side note. If man were meant to have a farmer's tan, he would have been born in a T-shirt. Think about it.

Seriously though. I have missed my best friend so much! I'm really excited to have her back and spend time with her.

Last night was good times! Started the exercise program nice and easy with a few games of tennis with my cousin Johnny, and my uncles. I don't think words can describe how much fun it was. We laugh way better than we play. As a matter of fact, I think I'll tell my tale with a picture, since they're worth a thousand know.

I will sum up the tennis match with what we learned about ourselves. I have an obnoxious laugh, Jeff is crippled, Johnny is willing to trade his uncle for a perfect stranger, and Time is a cheater!

Squared off the night with some exploration of Orange with Box, filled with rad conversation, the overwhelming desire to rob a bank in order to attend Chapman, and Chris' dog disguised as Hannibal Lecter. Only down side is I got very little sleep last night and I'm catatonic this morning. Oh well! Enjoy your Saraday!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

New'... busnie?

Here are some pics from the Homefree shoot! Had a blast with the jib, the green screen, did some learning, and really just had a lot of fun. The guys did a great job and looked fantastic!
I should mention that this was Sara's first paid make up gig. We expect that career to take off soon!

So Homefree is almost ready to launch. Please be praying for it's success! A lot of people have put countless hours of work into it and Brock and Phil have been so faithful in trusting the Lord with each step (which by the way has resulted in God's awesome blessing every time).

As I have previously mentioned, we started a company as well, and I have been putting a lot of research and time into building the production side of it up now that school's out. Unfortunately, it has not been an easy experience so far. While I am blessed with friends who are willing to contribute, scheduling has proved to be frustrating to say the least. I'm also learning a lot about the process that goes into making a "good" movie, short or otherwise, and I'm finding a lot of holes in our current process.
*DISCLAIMER* Many of these holes are easily fixed by either experience or with patience that I have not been willing to give our small projects.
I'm trying to decide whether or not I want to shoot some throw away material just to learn from, or if that can be done with small tests. I know this might now be making a whole lot of sense but I'm thinking I need to overhaul our entire process, which may result in postponing our first project for the second time! What to do!?

I'm also trying to figure out what part of the production I actually want to be involved in. I have been wearing so many hats for so long, I don't know which ones fit and which ones I'm wearing for fun. It's kind of like when you buy a cowboy hat for a joke and you wear it around for a while and everybody laughes, but then you start to forget it's a joke and you think, "I kind of like this hat, it looks kind of cool" but really it's still a cowboy hat and you just look like a tool in a stupid hat! (no offense AJ!)Sorry about that. I'm just realizing that even though it's a blast to make these things with friends, there are some highly specialized positions that I need to find or train people to fill.
Anyways, thats what be going on in my head today!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

It's a beautiful morning...

Last night was lame! Started feeling sick and sore and thought I was coming down with something. I got into bed a little after 9 and started reading...not sure when I passed out but I didn't wake up until 8 this morning! It was magnifico! Feeling much better today. Lot's to do before Sara gets back! Have to make it look like I'm capable of taking care of myself...

Need to work out at some point today. I am getting out of control! -How fat are you?- I'm so fat that Wii fit referred to me as obese! That one hurts. The kind of pain that only greasy fast food can take away. "Go away pain."

Monday, June 1, 2009

New Strategy!

If anyone is reading this, give me some idea of what will make this shenanigans more interesting and overall worth reading?

Missing Girl...

Have you seen this girl?

Sara Beth Thresher
24 years old
Like 5'4"ish
Green Eyes
Light brown hair
Rad smile
Laughs a lot at bad jokes. (her own and otherwise)
responds well to ice cream
Last seen wearing a fictus T-Shirt and pajama pants
Pretty much awesome...

If you see this girl, you are probably in Kauai. Goog for you! Could you please tell her to come home soon.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Longest week

Last weekend was great! Thank you DP for your hospitality!

Today, I woke up at 5am to bid my wife fair well. Suit case in hand she gave me a kiss and left me...for Kauai. That's right, Club Sherwood is going on tour to the wedding of Becky Bomb, soon to be Hamilton. 

The question now becomes, what will Brandon do for a week with no school and no wife. Seems kind of a cruel twist to have free time now but not my lady. 

Excessive working out and a lot of reading is the current plan. Anyone want to keep me company?(j\k, that would assume anyone reads this blog)

Friday, May 22, 2009

Weekend Plans

This shall be the weekend of Sara...

Tonight is Date night. Ladies choice!

Saturday - breakfast and boxing with Sara and Robinson.
Edit the commercial for High School's No Talent Night, and Matt Butler's sexy recital.
Homefree Warehouse Shoot part 1

Sunday- Morning service,
Homefree Warehouse Shoot part 2 Rise of the Jib
Take Sara to Dana point for a wonderful dinner and beautiful beach
Stay at DP Doubletree

Monday-Memorial Day! RJ's, bike ride, fun in the sun!

It's over! but not really...

I am officially done with classes for this semester. phew... That will lighten the loud quite a bit, thank you very much. Still have some work to do to help Homefree launch, but you'd think I'd have some free time right? wrong...

I'm going to spend the summer (3 months) trying to get certified in medical coding as well as Final Cut. Need to find a way to work less for school and make at least the same amount of money...Im going to have to hit up Jesus on his cell. Probably going to need some help.

Also, this will be the summer of fictus! If you have any interest in being a part of fictus omnimedia(movie production, publishing, clothing design, music, dance, marketing, etc.) Please let me know!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

3 papers, 2 days, and a timed essay due by tomorrow...

Hopefully, you now have untimely Christmas carols playing in your head. ALL part of my evil plan to start hearing the barking dogs version of jingle bells in July! BWAHAHAHA!

On a slightly less amusing note, I have a lot to write and am using this little soap box to get started. A little warm up, a vernacular stretch if you will. So, let's see...

Last night was good times. Went to the gym with Christopher (whose wonderful visage appears to the left). Final score, Chris - 1 Brandon - sweaty...that basically sums up our workout pretty well. It was still nice to get a little bit if workout time. We also used the uber accurate scale in the locker room and though I am much more motivated to get back into shape, I am starting to threaten myself with the weight loss blog. That's right! Very soon, there may be topless pictures of my over weight, slouching torso with commentary on my diet. No fun for anybody but you extremely morbid souls out there...I'd also like to thank all those who supported me through the last time around and apologize for calling you morbid. It's true but friends shouldn't say things like that about each other.

*DISCLAIMER If that happens, it will not be here! I'll keep those pictures where they belong. You are safe on this blog for those with week stomachs or a strong gag reflex.

So instead of writing last night or getting sleep, I watched a bad TV until the wee hours of the mornin'. foolish...

Work, til 4, meeting tonight for Homefree music, and write, write, write!

Now accepting donations in the form of prayer and encouragment.
Tax Deductible.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

By gar, it's been a while...

So I haven't written anything on this blog in a long time. I miss having a blog. What good are thoughts if you can't share them openly with all my closest friends on the internets? It's time to get my marble scuplted touchie in gear! No excuses...although, things have been a little busy. I believe a bullet list will make an appropriate method of catching you up.

  • Husband - Has required a patient wife (pictured above) to maintain this title. I am blessed!
  • Technical Support Representative - 40+ hours a week at Edulink...
  • College Student - 5 classes at ye old FJC (waiting for two more grades to come in to verify my GPA stays above 3.5...Cordell may be tricky o_O) The hard part is because I hope to transfer to an expensive private university, I need to keep my grades in the "scholarship range."
  • Director\Script Writer\Creative Consultant - Homefree is about to blow the hinges off this heezey! It's off the chain for sheezey!Ya ee ya! Throw your hands up! Throw 'em up! ...No, but seriously. It's going to be great.
  • Actor - Got the chance to play David in front of the green screen over at Digital Domain. One of the most exciting moments of my virtually non-existent carreer! Unfortunately, this is the only thing I've been able to do for Kids Center this semester but hopefully I can help more in the near future.
  • Entrepreneur - A few friends and I are staring an LLC together. fictus omnimedia LLC. To keep it simple, we've decided to work in all aspects of what we consider to be art. Let's just say we have a lot of big plans and higher hopes then that ant with the rubber tree obsession.
  • Director of Film and Digital Productions - Fancy right? I'm heading up the production company aspect of fictus, and we already have several projects planned though we have yet to film anything due to time constraints(for more details please read above and below.)
  • Writer - I have not had as much time for this as I would like but I have completed a short that is the perfect experiment to get us started and several projects in the works. The most exciting being the most redic of the bunch but I believe it will happen.
  • Post Krispe Kreme Jesus - I almost forgot. I had the privilege of directing and participating in a short musical drama for Easter at C-stone. I don't think anyone would buy that this guy fasted for 40 days but hopefully that didn't detract from the message.

Things have definitely been crazy and they're only going to get crazier...

To be continued...

Monday, March 30, 2009

perpetually sick

I stayed home from work today...again. Thats twice in two weeks!
I can't seem to shake this... whatever it is.

Bad sign for a second post but I dont have much creativity at the moment. I do however have a sore throat, cough, and a headache that begs for blunt force trauma to give me repose.

Friday, March 27, 2009

The End! ...but not really.

I got married to my beautiful best friend and we lived happily ever after...

There were however some tales of consequence and otherwise that befell our brave hero and his fair maiden that have never been told. Never told that is, until now...

Welcome to Wonderland!
(Don't eat the mushroom caps)