Thursday, June 4, 2009

What day is it today?

Happy Saraday Everyone! I'm sorry? When is Saraday you ask. Why it comes after yesterday and before tomorrow my foolish friend!

I am so excited about tonight! I pick up Sara from the airport at 9:30. It will be nice to have my wife back so she can do the laundry, clean the house and make me chicken pot pies in her natural habitat, the kitchen...cuz that's how I roll! O_o

Side note. If man were meant to have a farmer's tan, he would have been born in a T-shirt. Think about it.

Seriously though. I have missed my best friend so much! I'm really excited to have her back and spend time with her.

Last night was good times! Started the exercise program nice and easy with a few games of tennis with my cousin Johnny, and my uncles. I don't think words can describe how much fun it was. We laugh way better than we play. As a matter of fact, I think I'll tell my tale with a picture, since they're worth a thousand know.

I will sum up the tennis match with what we learned about ourselves. I have an obnoxious laugh, Jeff is crippled, Johnny is willing to trade his uncle for a perfect stranger, and Time is a cheater!

Squared off the night with some exploration of Orange with Box, filled with rad conversation, the overwhelming desire to rob a bank in order to attend Chapman, and Chris' dog disguised as Hannibal Lecter. Only down side is I got very little sleep last night and I'm catatonic this morning. Oh well! Enjoy your Saraday!

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