Friday, December 9, 2011

Not the best start...

So I've been doing a pretty shabby job at remembering to blog.

There have been some crazy developments the last few days but I don't feel like writing about them.
This thing may take a while to get here's the plan. I will try to stick to it.

I think I'm going to try and start writing a story every weekday. Based on votes, assuming anyone ever reads this, I will use likes or plus or kudos, or whatever to decide which one to turn into a short film the following week on the YouTube channel. What do you think my 2 readers?

Here is the Brandon's Job update...

It has been a rough couple months. I left Film School, among other reasons, to pursue what I believe will be a better opportunity to pursue my dream of making cinematic adventures. Saving the past 7 months for another blog, here is the game plan for the next 7.

Job #1 - Internet startup.
Assuming you know me there is no reason to include the company name here as you have undoubtedly heard it more than you probably care to:)
We are so close to achieving what we originally thought we'd need millions to Accomplish. I am proud to be a part of the amazing team working to change the world at the afore mentioned Internet startup.

Job #2 - One8
I am so blessed to be allowed to participate in this project. While it is still in the early phases, being a part of the creative video team for One8 gives me the opportunity to use whatever talents God has given me alongside some amazing young people to carry out the second most important commandment. Love others.

Job #2.5 - The Doc
Right before my amazing bride and I were "to be wed", I had planned to document a missions trip to Cambodia. I felt the Lord wanted me to film there but I didn't know what I was going to do with the footage, or even what I was supposed be filming. I am ashamed to say, though I don't regret it, that I chose not to do it at that time in order to make money to pay for an engagement ring. Approaching 5 years later, I have a story to tell and have been given the opportunity to direct a documentary about what is happening in Cambodia. It is going to be a life changing challenge, but I'm so grateful for the opportunity!
Also, to prepare my team, we will be shooting a short doc in the upcoming months. More info to come...

Job #3 - Writer/Directer...Producer?
I have quite a few projects I've wanted to work on for a while, but I want to do them right. Unfortunately, part of that will mean raising money. I am currently in various stages of "pre-production"(industry secret for the day - an idea counts as pre-production) on a feature narrative I intend to be a trilogy, a documentary(yes, they have scripts), a children's adventure tv show, a web series, and a handful of short films that I hope to take to festivals. All of them need essentially time and money. Both of which are difficult to come by.

Job #4 - YouTube
Most people in the industry will push you away from this. The problem with being a filmmaker on YouTube is the old adage, if you're good at something then why do it for free. This is where I get to toss my imaginary scarf over my shoulder and say, because I'm an artist. Also, because YouTube is a great place to make fun videos that require little depth or moneys. It's a way to hone your craft without taking yourself too seriously.

Those are the main ones for now. There has been some other freelance work being thrown around, but for someone making no money at the moment, I really am keeping busy.

I can't finish this without saying, I wouldn't be doing any of these things if I didn't believe in their purpose with all of my heart, and I wouldn't have the opportunity to pursue them if God had not gifted me with such an amazing wife!

1 comment:

  1. Go babe go!
    All of these projects are major challenges, and none of them can be done alone. But the Lord has you working on them for a reason, and so he will bring the people and the funds in some way.
